Italian Hardwood Flooring
Monpar has produced Italian Wooden Flooring for more than 30 years. Based in Alonte, in Vicenza province in the northeast of Italy, they realized wooden floors using different noble woods and always choose the best selection available in the world, paying great attention to all finishes and details with a classic design and latest interiors design solutions as well.
Unravel new dimensions of
wooden surfaces
Love For Wood
The experience and the sensibility gained day by day, the breathing the perfumes of every single noble wood, brushing surfaces always different, the observation of all grains and tones, had enriched the knowledge baggage of our artisans. Every Monpar’s wood floor is a unique artwork, totally realized not only for furnishing but for exciting and creating a design sensation. The same respect and love for the wood bring us in the environmental choice to recycle all wastes to heat all departments of the factory during winter.
Everything becomes, nothing is destroyed.