Featured Products
Küberit® Profiles
Connecting profiles and cover strips
Edge trims and border profiles
Stair nosings and angle edges
Profiles with carpet claws
Ramp profiles
Easy bendable profiles
Expansion Joint profiles
Double-K profiles
Corner protection angles
Wall profiles

Küberit® Floor covering
Floor covering systems for parquet and laminate flooring. With more than 15 options of profile systems and special technical and innovate advantages for each profile, these systems make flooring more seamless and convenient across your entire space.

Küberit® Individual surfaces
with Savorvski crystals or customized designs
Set elegant accents with high-quality floor profiles, skirting boards, door stoppers and heating pipe rosettes. The Küberit® products decorated with colored and clear SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS are an eye-catcher in every room.

Unravel new dimensions of
floor profiles

Quality built over tradition
Today, Küberit is still committed to providing the highest quality German engineering, along with the latest cutting-edge technology which has yielded over 150 patents and specific designs for the professional installer and the architectural and design community.